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What's New?
Vers. 2.0.0
- Changed Pokémon icons and the way the tool selects them. Now using nileplumb's git repository
- Added Gen VIII stats to the databas
- Deprecated string generator
- Deprecated mega evolutions
Vers. 1.9.0
- Added Gen VI stats to the database
- Added Gen VI statssprites
- Reorganized all-level infographics to be able to show levels up to level 51
Vers. 1.8.1
- Added first mega evolution stats to the database (Mega Venusaur, Mega Charizard X, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Blastoise and Mega Beedrill)
Vers. 1.8.0
- Added Gen V stats to the database
- Added Arceus stats (including all forms) to the database
Some sprites in Gen V missing, because they haven't been released yet.
Vers. 1.7.3
- Added support for French language. Thanks to Chrales for the support!
- Added more options to the search string tool. Now you can create strings to search for Pokémon in your bag with IV=100%, IV>90%, IV<90% and IV=0%.
Vers. 1.6.0
- Added support for German language. Thanks to alexstannumberone and @BlackmambaxD for the support!
- Added option for Community Day - style tables and infographics. You must type the Pokémon name, then flag the Wild 100% IV option and click generate. The tool will generate a table or infographic of the perfect Pokémon selected at all levels available in the wild (useful for Community Days);
- Minor text fixes.
Vers. 1.4.3
- Added support for Japanese language. Thanks to @Xorbun and Juste_nemo for the support!
- Added option to have both normal and shiny sprite appearing in the infographics;
- Added counter for the number of infographics generated since the web tool distribution;
- Fixed some bugs.
Vers. 1.2.0
- Added support for Portuguese language. Thanks to Tiagobalabuch for the support!
- Added 100%IV string generator. You must type the Pokémon name, then click "Generate 100% IV String". The tool will generate a string that you can copy to your clipboard and paste in the Pokémon GO app search tool to look for 100%IV of that Pokémon (useful for Community Days).
Vers. 1.0.0
- Fixed Base stats for Pokémon like Shuckle and Blissey (their base stats were going out of range in the infographics);
- Added support for Spanish language. Thanks to Kadgrin for the support!
- Minor text fixes.
Beta vers. 0.3.0
- Best IVs: you must type a Pokémon name and select a level, then click generate. Depending on your choice, the tool will generate a table or infographic with the best CPs - IVs of the selected Pokémon at the chosen level;
- 100% IV option: you must type the Pokémon name, then flag the “100%IV at each level” option and click generate. The tool will generate a table or infographic with the CPs of the perfect Pokémon selected from level 1 to 40, which can be useful for Community Days;
- Raid boss option: you must type the Pokémon name, then flag the Raid boss option and click generate. The tool will generate a table or infographic with the best CPs - IVs of the selected Pokémon both at level 20 and level 25 (the relevant levels for a raid boss).